I don't know what people think about me when they read this blog, it's not really my business
what people think of me. I only ponder the thought because I wonder if people think I am just
very sensitive and lovey and sweet or God forbid Liberal.
I am kidding of course, the reason I put it out there is because I am comfortable in my own skin.
This is who I am, and I don't really care if you like it or not.
I just try and share how I feel about things and how my recovery and sobriety plays a part.
Coming up on 15 years of sobriety I have learned more about myself and about the world around me
than I ever knew in the previous 32.
The reason I begin with this thought is based solely on the sign of our times living in the "Matrix".
It's here, we are knee deep in it and we don't even know it at all, that is why it's working so well.
There is a huge physical planet that we live on with trees and blue skies and oceans and mountains
and yet we have fallen for the biggest lie in history.......that reality is actually in our phones and in our computers and on the TV. We read horror stories of Antifa and White Supremacists causing chaos and
we are so scared we might decide to buy a gun. But, is this actually happening in our own lives?
Maybe, probably not, but maybe. The divide we think we are seeing in our country today is not
face value, in my experience. I travel the country and I meet a lot of people and whats happening in the Matrix is not the same thing that is happening in reality. It seems as though everyone is fighting each other on every issue, but it's simply not true. It's only happening on your phone or your computer.
When we have 200 people at a concert, they don't split the room at some point and decide to have a melee in the middle of the theater. They all sit and enjoy the music and everyone gets along just fine.
THAT is reality. If it was really as bad as it seems online, cars would pull over on the highway and people would be bare knuckle boxing on the sides of the roads.
Just because people disagree, does not mean they hate each other or it's the end of the world.
Why on Earth would be expect 400 Million people to feel the same way all of the time???
I live with 3 women and let me tell you between the 4 of us, rarely if ever do all people agree on where to fucking eat, let alone how we feel about what clothes to wear.
It's absolutely ridiculous to think that because we are divided politically in this country that it is the end of the world, that is the way it has ALWAYS been! There has never been a time in history where everyone agreed, not even in the precious 1950's. Ask Black people what they think of the 1950's,
it's not the same Mayberry, I promise you.
We live in a society where everyone has the opportunity (me included) to share how they feel 24 hours a day. No filter, just put it all out there and see what happens. BUT, that does not actually happen in the physical world. People are doing just fine. I see the cars moving on the roads, people going to work,
kids going to school. President Trump is the President whether you like him or not, and he can be unlikable at times, I assume everyone would agree, even those that voted for the man.
He's going to work, he's doing his thing and the world keeps spinning around and around.
I am not suggesting that anyone should give up their commitment or give in and surrender their beliefs
at all, stand up for what you feel strongly about. Just remember, there is ALWAYS someone who does not agree with you and they're going to stand up for what they believe is right. That is not what the end of the world looks like, thats what REALITY looks like. Grow up and put on your big boy pants.
Deal with it. People don't agree on everything all the time, period.
BUT, we agree on most things and the MOST important things: We all want to live a peaceful life
where our families are safe and we ant to have opportunities to grow.
EVERYONE can agree on this and many, many more things.
Bottom line here to me is that this amazing dissent that we see is being constantly pushed in our face by the media and by our constant addiction to social media. TURN IT OFF!
Turn that shit off and go outside. Read a book, talk to your neighbor.
Life is about so much more than politics or religion, it's about the time you have with your loved ones
right now. We do not know when this will all end, someone we know is going to drop dead today. It's going to happen, trust me. When they hit the ground, it doesn't mean a good damn shit what politics they sided with, they're gone. Game over.
I am living my life like it may end any time, any day. I don't wanna go out fighting about some
rich dudes, thats bullshit.
Turn the Matrix off. Give yourself and your neighbors a break.
Trust in the process. Get involved. If you believe in something, sign up to help.
Join a political movement or a team in person. Talk to people face to face and ask them what they
want out of life, I guarantee it is exactly what you want.
Do not believe the lie, the lie is dead.
We are ALL the same, stop thinking you're different or special, YOU'RE NOT.
Neither am I, we are just people trying to live and have a little fun and enjoy our families.
The Matrix is a big lie and it's not real.
It's designed to keep us occupied while the real shit is going on out in the real world.
Join the real world.
Agree to disagree, it'll be OK.
Live and let live, thats what we do in our house.
I have been married 3 times people, when a woman says " I don't wanna talk about it now"
Leave her alone! :)
Why be mad at the other political team for making a move, of course they're gonna make a move.
Being mad about that is like being mad that the team your team is playing tried to score........
I am not suggesting you do not be involved in the world and in important decisions in our lifetime,
I am suggesting we turn off the internet and talk face to face and give it all a break.
The world is not ending around you, it's only ending in the matrix......
Peace, Love, Zito